Because it's just not fair to not post after a weekend of silence.
Sports: I forgot to root for the Patriots in my post on Friday, but I'm sure that didn't have anything to do with them sucking ass yesterday! OMG! Sure, they kinda, almost came back but no team who plays the way they did in the first half should win. Pretty pathetic. I don't know what's going to snap them into being a consistent team and improve the defense, but getting Tedy Bruschi back couldn't hurt. Actually, maybe it could if he really screws himself up or just can't play that well anymore. Even if they did make the playoffs, stringing four wins together in the post-season seems unthinkable now. Ugh!
Work's pretty much over for the day. Got a big fax out and my "boss" in a remote office has already called and had me do something he's certainly capable of doing himself for HIS CASE. But I did it and reported back to him. Maybe I can keep him off my back for the rest of the week. He thinks I'm doing a project for him, but "Shhhh, I'm not." Both my local boss and I know that this project is ill-advised and unnecessary, but we're not going to tell him that we're not doing it until next week, when he's here in this office. I just hope he doesn't ask about it before then. 'Cause I'm gonna hafta lie. I don't like doing that, professionally. I want to just tell him off, but my passive-aggressive nature just won't allow it. That's why I'm griping here.
I haven't posted a picture in a while. Let's see what random image I can put up.
How about some gams?

Or the late, great Elliott Smith chillin'?

Actually, I do have something to talk about. Today I called an ex-girlfriend, kind of out of the blue. Not really out of the blue, my wife kind of requested it. Sound weird? Not so much, really. I needed to confirm her address for a gift we're sending her. We've been emailing since the fall of 1996, shortly after we broke up, but haven't actually spoken to each other since 1999, when we saw each other in Boston for some drinks one night. Man, it was trippy to hear her again, but it was nice. Neither of us really recognized the other's voice, it's been so long. We'll probably speak more now that the seal has been broken. We're sending her a gift because she just got married. Please join me in wishing her a heartfelt, sincere, embarrassing public congratulations on this site.
Congratulations, Sarah!In January I'm hoping to see my best childhood friend, Jade, for the first time since like 1996 or something. That will also be weird but very enjoyable. Jade also got married recently so:
Congratulations, Jade!Jade also has an adorable little baby girl, also named Sarah (all these weird coincidences!), who looks like this:

Okay, I've babbled enough. Have a nice day and night. I'll talk to you all soon.
iPod: "Movie Clock Star" by Braid", "The Inlaw Josie Wales" by Phish, "Daughter" by Pearl Jam, "Breathe Around You" by Tanya Donelly, "The Best Deceptions" by Dashboard Confessional, "Every Day I Write the Book" by Elvis Costello, "The Dream of the Blue Turtles" by Sting, "Easy Way Out" by Elliott Smith, "Alpha Beta Parking Lot" by Cake, and "Speedway" by Counting Crows.