Happy Halloween!
I present to you:
The Boy In Camouflage!

No, our son is not in a Minstrel Show. That's not blackface, the brown and green didn't come out so well in the picture.
After watching the Patriots game last night, I was inspired to choose this as my costume:
Can you see it? No? That's because it's "Nothingness". I decided to dress as the Patriots' offensive line. Good grief!
Remember to brush and floss extra well after gorging on candy, Kids.
iPod: "Are We Really Happy With Who We Are Right Now?" by Moneen, "Jesus Just Left Chicago (live)" by Phish,
The Boy In Camouflage!

No, our son is not in a Minstrel Show. That's not blackface, the brown and green didn't come out so well in the picture.
After watching the Patriots game last night, I was inspired to choose this as my costume:
Can you see it? No? That's because it's "Nothingness". I decided to dress as the Patriots' offensive line. Good grief!
Remember to brush and floss extra well after gorging on candy, Kids.
iPod: "Are We Really Happy With Who We Are Right Now?" by Moneen, "Jesus Just Left Chicago (live)" by Phish,