Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Now playing

Oops, I forgot to post what was playing on my iPod! "A320" by Foo Fighters. Good tune. There's a lot of REM today on the shuffle. The shuffle does that. It adopts one band to play a lot one day, and then ignores them for a week. Weird.


Car Talk

Ever listen to Car Talk on NPR? It's great! I don't know if it's still on the air, but the few times I listened to it, I was very entertained/educated/impressed. These two wise-cracking brothers field calls from people with problems and questions about their cars. With only the slightest info given to them, these brothers can diagnose problems and recommend solutions in an instant. The depths of their knowledge of makes, models and the unique characteristics of all cars is astounding. It's like an extended version of Marisa Tomei's expert testimony in "My Cousin Vinny," only it's not scripted. These guys are talking off the top of their heads, and they're funny! Listening to them, it really makes me wonder at how much there is to know about things we use so frequently, and take for granted.

I'm a curious person by nature, and I like to learn about new things and feign deep knowledge about them. Cars are no exception. There was a two-week period three years ago when I couldn't read enough about cars and mechanics. It was fascinating how the internal combustion engine works, how the fuel-air mix is injected, how the valves are timed, how the spark plugs fire at just the right time to cause an explosion and force the piston back. Don't even get me started on transmissions! Not that I can say much about them, but it's so fascinating how they transfer motion from the engine, to the drive shaft, and then to the wheels. And then you add in the gears. It seems so complex, but those are just the bare-bones basics! Every car has computers in the engine that regulate so much activity, it's mind-boggling. How do people like Click and Clack get to be so conversant with the facts of car operation and maintenance? Such mastery of knowledge makes me insanely jealous, of course.

I like to read car magazines every now and then to fantasize about cool cars I'll never own. I try to follow along with the jargon, the technical specs, and the nit-picking accounts of suspension, down-force, under/over steer, etc. It's all Greek to me. But the people writing, and even "normal" people in online forums, notice these things as readily as if the car was neon purple. Again, envy rises in me. I want to learn so much about cars that I can talk impressively about them and fix the cars of my friends and family so they won't get gouged by "professional" mechanics. Sure, I could do that.

But then a humbling experience brings me back to reality. I went car shopping with my wife. The salesman was really cool. He didn't try to oversell us on the car, didn't embellish features to impress/deceive us. But I couldn't scrutinize the car the way I wish I could. All I could do was ask "What does this button do?" and "How do you turn on the high beams?" Humiliating. I flirted with the idea of looking under the hood for about a half-second before realizing how foolish I would have looked to both my wife and the salesman just looking at the engine, saying "Looks good!" We drove it, though, and it's a sweet ride! It's a Volvo, too, so it's safe. The car would be for my wife, primarily, so I guess it doesn't matter what I know about it. It gets good reviews, mostly, from the people who know and drive it. But it would have been SO satisfying to go in there, brains blazing about how long it takes the turbo to kick in, the handling at high speeds and the reliability of the drive train. Let that salesman know I know all the shortcomings of the car. The only reason I'm looking is because my wife thinks it's pretty. So he better bend over backwards (or downwards on price) if he wants to make a sale!


Saturday, November 27, 2004

Good and Bad News

Hello all. By "all" I'm speaking euphemistically, or optimistically. I'll start with the good news. My alma mater's football team won their first round playoff game tonight, coming from behind to beat a strong Georgia Southern team. It was their first playoff victory in school history, and probably the first time they've played on national television. It was on The Deuce (ESPN2), so that counts. I was playing the fan-boy role well, throwing my arms up and cheering when things went well; cursing and hitting the arm of the couch when they didn't. It's strange that I was so into it, though, because when I was in college, I couldn't have cared less how the football team did. I usually worked on Saturdays, and the team was just presumed to be bad. Hockey was the big sport to follow, and not just because I was (and still am) a rabid hockey fan. The hockey team was always competitive, and game nights were a fun event. The stands were large-scale collapsible bleachers on either side of the ice. No seating on the ends behind the goals, no upper decks or boxes. The arena itself was nicknamed The Barn, but actually more resembled a large, 1940s airplane hanger. It was called Snively, which sounds like a cartoon villain. It was always cold inside. After the home team scored their first goal, a representative of one of the local fraternities would throw a big dead fish onto the ice. After each goal, they would play Gary Glitter's "Rock and Roll Part 2" over the PA. And instead of shouting "Hey" when the song shouts "Hey," everyone would shout "Sieve", faster and faster, waving their hands around holding up as many fingers as goals scored by the home team and pointing at the opposing goalie. It was great! The year after I left, they built a new, kick-ass arena like all the other hockey arenas out there. Not only is it a great place to watch a game (so I hear, grrr!), they also built a really cool sports and rec center in the old hangar building with MUCH better exercise and intra-mural facilities than what was there during my tenure! Oh well, progress. The team still hasn't won a national championship, though they've been to the final twice in the last 5 years. Still waiting.

Now the bad news. I mentioned the capitalistic zeal with which my wife and I attacked Crazy Shopping DayTM. At my last stop, I went to buy new running shoes. My old ones are almost exactly one year old. I trained for and ran a marathon in them (thank you, thank you very much). And I was still running in them this week. Any good runner will tell you that you mustn't do that: keep running in old shoes, or you risk serious injury and bad race karma. Unfortunately, the store that sells my shoes cheap only has a "Buy One Pair, Get the Next Pair Half Price" sale once a year. So I went to pick up my shoes, and they were already on sale! 40% off! So I figured I would still buy a second pair of shoes for my wife, because it's practically the same buy one, 2nd pair half price deal. Turns out that they didn't have the shoes my wife wants in her size. So now what? I called my wife and she recommended I buy another pair for myself, to replace my shabby biz-casual pair. Good idea. I picked out a good pair, reasonably priced, and went to pay for my new shoes. Surprise! The second pair were also on sale (despite not being labeled as such)! They're like 40% off, too, or something. Sweet! That's great news, isn't it?

No, because it turns out I'm a woman. It's bad enough that I went into a store and left with TWO pairs of shoes for MYSELF! But to have bought both on sale, and be so excited about it... Just call me Carrie Bradshaw and put me in some Manolos. It's a sad realization to come to. I've long suspected that my masculinity wasn't really on a par with the average American male. Sure I love porn and sports, but so do a lot of gay men/lesbians. This new shoe episode kind of crosses the Is and dots the Ts, so to speak. Maybe dressing as a Playboy Bunny for Halloween a couple years ago, and reveling in how good I looked, should have tipped me off. Sigh!


Friday, November 26, 2004

Happy Crazy Shopping Day!

My picture's finally up. Or at least the picture I'm going to use on this here blog. Since I won't be seeing this man's face in the news or at the NHL All Star Game, I'm putting it here. There's another Bruin I probably would have preferred to use, but since he's a free agent who has yet to sign with anybody, his picture's not available on the Boston Bruins website. I'm sure I'll change it as often as my excessive whim dictates.

So I ate to the point of pain yesterday, like every year. We had a wonderful meal at Grandma's house, with a bunch of family. My wife made the turkey, cranberry sauce and stuffing. They were all extremely delicious, because my wife is a fantastic cook! (Yes, she reads this. In fact, she's the only one who does right now.) The stuffing is my mom's recipe, and it makes me so happy and full of love that my wife has adopted it for our own Thanskgiving tradition. We've got lots left over, so I'm all set for a week!

This morning, my wife and I got up at the unholy hour of 5:30! Why you ask? Because that's when the stores open, silly! We HAD to go get the best deals on what I've named Crazy Shopping DayTM. We went to 6 stores before 9 am! And then we split up and went to 3 more before 10:30! And the things we really wanted, the things that we needed to get there early for, we missed out on, because hundreds of other insane shoppers got there before us. I could be watching the first season of 24 on DVD right now, having saved about $40 at Best Buy. But I'm not. We did get the TV we wanted, but for $50 more than the first place we tried (still a really good deal, though). All others things we needed we got, so it was a success. Now we're going to nap and forget that we left the house on a long-weekend day well before the sun rose. This out-of-control consumer culture has corrupted us almost beyond recognition. Any horror stories you'd like to share, feel free! We twice overheard a trampling story while out in the trenches. I think it was at a Walmart (where else)!


Damn, I'm rugged looking! Posted by Hello


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

First official post

Okay, so a lot has changed since I started this blog... yesterday! I thought that the title "Heartbreaks and Cheesesteaks" would be both a nice, silly name and at the same time reflect my love of the steak and cheese submarine sandwich. Surely there is not a more perfect food! Pizza comes close, but usually they're just too damn big to eat all of without feeling both shamed and stretched to the point of bursting (see Monty Python's Meaning of Life). Anyway, there are at least 2 other blogs on Blogspot that have cheesesteak in their names! No way I'm going to be part of some cheesesteak web-trend! I'm here to assert my individuality!

So I decided to retain the silliness and rhyme scheme, and go for something a little more obscure than cheesesteaks. Add in the fact that while in Calgary this week I stayed across the street from a restaurant called Saltlik, and you have my new title. I'm going to try it as a Google Whack. If you don't know what that is, google it. It's a fun waste of time that I wholly recommend.

I think I may also start the first SL&B tradition and say what's on my iPod while I'm posting. One of the members of one of my favorite bands does it on his blog, and it's pretty cool. Now playing: "West Haven" by Idlewild. Unfortunately the only mp3 I could find of this song is cut off in the middle. If anyone knows were I can get the whole song, let me know, please. And now it's over! Sigh. Now Geddy Lee's on. That doesn't make me look very cool! I'll just report one song per post, picking the hippest song played while typing.

If you want pictures, join the club! I'm posting at work and can't upload pics because of a proxy server, or some other network security reason. If and when I post at home, I'll do it then.

Now for the substance of today's post: TV. The Amazing Race is a good show! Sure there are the usual reality show train-wrecking attention whores, but the show isn't designed to exploit that. The concept and settings would still hook me with even-tempered mutes as the contestants, as long as they competed enough to try to win. The show still casts for physical titillation, but at least they don't put them on islands or near pools requiring bikinis and swim trunks. But I must say, the female cast this time 'round is pretty strong in the chest department. There's my first controversial statement! Glad that's out of the way. Readers beware, I like breasts. You've been warned.

Wednesdays, though, is my one TV must of the season: Lost. Too little space to talk about how much I love this show. Suffice to say that I can't miss it. Actually, tonight I think it's preempted by the Bachelor finale and post-rose analysis. I think Mary's getting the shaft again. She needs to find a man the old fashioned way. And some self-respect in the process. I'll watch (my wife and I still like the Lowest Common Denominator reality shows). Then it's on to sports all weekend! Woohoo! NFL on Turkey day and Sunday and alma mater in the NCAA Div 1AA football playoffs on ESPN2 on Saturday. I'm set. But have to make time for house cleaning, too. See! I'm not a total male chauvinist, football watching, breast-coveting pig! Have a great a holiday weekend!


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Another Stupid Blog

Hello blogosphere. I wanted to post a comment to my friend's new blog, but had to make my own to post non-anonymously. So I will post some random stuff here now that I've gone through with it. Expect talk of sports, food, sex, sports, my marathon training, music, marriage, failed marriage, child-rearing, food, love, and politics. Just like every other freakin' blog out there. Enjoy (or not, that's ok)!
