Friday Kid Blogging
One year ago today, Lovely Wife experienced some abdominal pain and unusual bleeding at about 7 pm. Trying not to get freaked out, we drove to the hospital to see what was going on. Our baby's due date wasn't for two weeks. She was admitted to the maternity ward and had some tests done. The doctors couldn't say what had caused the bleeding, and suggested inducing labor to make sure the baby would be okay. We didn't want to induce labor, but agreed that if she went through the night without labor starting, then we'd induce in the morning. Labor started in the early hours of August 26. By 7 am, our baby was ready to come out. Realizing that the birth was imminent, I went into the bathroom and put my contacts in to better see the birth of my son. My wife started pushing while I was in there, and people started yelling for me as the baby's head crested. I rushed out and helped Lovely Wife push the rest of the way, and out came our little boy. Tomorrow is his first birthday, and to say his first year went by quickly is an understatement. Part of me just can't, or won't, accept that he's not going to be our adorable little baby boy for ever. He's such a sweet, happy, fun, well-behaved baby that part of me wants him to stay that way. But he won't, and I know that I will cherish each stage and age that comes for the amazement and amusement he will provide us.
Happy Birthday, CBK Jr.!*

*Yes, I'm crying right now, just a little bit.
Happy Birthday, CBK Jr.!*

*Yes, I'm crying right now, just a little bit.