Friday Kid (and Ugly Tie) Blogging
The Bear is a great Big Brother, and loves CBK Jr. a lot, but he just can't seem to stop bugging the crap out of the baby. He shoves his face into the baby's face a lot and just pesters him, thinking it's fun. Well, The Bear got some payback on Monday night. We went to a park for an outdoor showing of Tim Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (which I liked even better the second time I saw it) and The Bear was laying on a blanket. Some people nearby us had kids, and one of their little sons came over to watch the movie with The Bear. He was in his late 2s or early 3s, and was very fascinated with The Bear. He laid down right next to The Bear, blocking his view of the movie. Whenever The Bear tried to move to be able to see, the other kid moved right in front of his face. Then he started touching The Bear's face and playing with his mouth. It was hilarious to us, and The Bear took it pretty well (didn't slug the kid), but it couldn't have been a more perfect lesson for him on how he treats his little brother. In the car ride home we talked about it, and Lovely Wife told him about karma: how the things people do can come back and happen to them, good or bad. After that, The Bear started talking about the "Caramel Monster", who will come and get you if you do bad things. We think he was just being silly and actually understood the point we were making, but who knows. It was pretty damn funny.
Speaking of CBK Jr., he's REALLY close to crawling, which we're very excited about because he's 9 and half months old and hasn't expressed any interest in mobility before last month. Now he's either learning the mechanics of crawling, or working on his pecs.

Anonymous Coworker, inspired by someone else, posted pics of his quite enviable Ugly Tie Collection. I've decided to do the same, with the help of Lovely Wife (who chose my ugliest). All but one of these ties were purchased by me to go with an awkward brown/green suit I have. The blue paisley-ish one probably came from my dad.

(Click for larger, more vividly ugly image.)

Unfortunately, I threw out some truly hideous ones a year or two ago, including a bright green one that inexplicably had what can only be described as profiles of heads with Colonial wigs on them. I wish I had that one right now.
Happy Weekend everyone!
iPod: "Swampland of Desire" by The Dead Milkmen, "Shatter" by Liz Phair, "Photograph" by Weezer, "La Villa Strangiato (live)" by Rush, "Quit" by Hey Mercedes, and "Live in a Hiding Place" by Idlewild.
Speaking of CBK Jr., he's REALLY close to crawling, which we're very excited about because he's 9 and half months old and hasn't expressed any interest in mobility before last month. Now he's either learning the mechanics of crawling, or working on his pecs.

Anonymous Coworker, inspired by someone else, posted pics of his quite enviable Ugly Tie Collection. I've decided to do the same, with the help of Lovely Wife (who chose my ugliest). All but one of these ties were purchased by me to go with an awkward brown/green suit I have. The blue paisley-ish one probably came from my dad.

(Click for larger, more vividly ugly image.)

Unfortunately, I threw out some truly hideous ones a year or two ago, including a bright green one that inexplicably had what can only be described as profiles of heads with Colonial wigs on them. I wish I had that one right now.
Happy Weekend everyone!
iPod: "Swampland of Desire" by The Dead Milkmen, "Shatter" by Liz Phair, "Photograph" by Weezer, "La Villa Strangiato (live)" by Rush, "Quit" by Hey Mercedes, and "Live in a Hiding Place" by Idlewild.