Friday Kid Blogging
The Bear is a soccer superstar. Here's the photographic proof:
Carrying the ball upfield.

Corner kick.

Breaking away from the pack.

Another corner.

Scoring on a breakaway!

On that play, he actually chased down a player on the other team who was breaking away, stopped the shot in front of his own goal, and then brought the ball down the field by himself and scored.
Of course, he's a good sport

On top of all that, he's also a kick-ass big brother!

UPDATE: I almost forgot! The Bear is going to be in a play at his school, and he was given the role of King of Seasons, with three times more lines than all the kids in his class. Total Rockstar!
iPod: "Broken Box" by Queens of the Stone Age, "Aftermath" by Phish, "Pink Triangle" by Weezer, "No One Knows' by Queens of the Stone Age,"Homeward Bound (live)" by Simon and Garfunkel, and "The Mayor of Simpleton" by The City on Film.
Carrying the ball upfield.

Corner kick.

Breaking away from the pack.

Another corner.

Scoring on a breakaway!

On that play, he actually chased down a player on the other team who was breaking away, stopped the shot in front of his own goal, and then brought the ball down the field by himself and scored.
Of course, he's a good sport

On top of all that, he's also a kick-ass big brother!

UPDATE: I almost forgot! The Bear is going to be in a play at his school, and he was given the role of King of Seasons, with three times more lines than all the kids in his class. Total Rockstar!
iPod: "Broken Box" by Queens of the Stone Age, "Aftermath" by Phish, "Pink Triangle" by Weezer, "No One Knows' by Queens of the Stone Age,"Homeward Bound (live)" by Simon and Garfunkel, and "The Mayor of Simpleton" by The City on Film.